Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute


Workshop and Organization

The 11th Toyota Riken
International Workshop"Actin Filament: beyond the atomic resolution structures"

第11回 豊田理研国際ワークショップ「アクチン・フィラメント:原子分解能の構造解明で始まる世界」

Date:25(Mon.)–27(Wed.) November, 2019
Place:Nagoya University Higashiyama campus, ES-hall, Nagoya, Japan

Organized under the auspices of Toyota Riken

a private foundation for promotion of basic science in chemistry and physics
Co-sponsor:Nagoya University
Supported by:Structural Biology Research Center of Nagoya University.
Organizing Committee:
Co-chairs:Yuichiro Maéda (Toyota Riken & Nagoya Univ.) and Akihiro Narita (Nagoya Univ.)
Members:Toshiro Oda (Tokai Gakuin Univ.), Shuichi Takeda (Nagoya Univ.),Ikuko Fujiwara (Osaka City Univ.)
Secretariat: Junko Takami, Phone = +81-(0)52-747-6471 and Mika Kato

11th Toyota Riken International Workshop ACTIN WORKSHOP Actin Filament: beyond the atomic resolution structures